Jessica Roper

Reviewed by Jessica Roper, MBA, director of Career Services at University of Phoenix

Female profressionls working at a workstation with monitors and laptop

We love trends.

Whether it’s a viral social media campaign or the latest pair of sneakers, part of us wants in on the action.

The exception to this rule may just be technology, however. Yes, there are trends in that sector, and yes, the desire to be part of it is real. What differentiates it, though, is the speed at which things change in tech. Evolution happens so fast we may not always be able to jump on the latest bandwagon.

That’s why tech, especially in the business sector, is one area where it can pay to be an informed spectator before becoming a true believer.

As you begin or continue your business career, it’s crucial to know what’s out there. Then, you can understand how you can get an edge in knowledge and implementation.

Let’s take a look at some of the technology trends in business taking shape in 2023 — and how you can benefit.

5 tech trends in business in 2023

1.    Artificial intelligence prompt engineering

Did you know you can get paid to suggest things to chatbots like ChatGPT? It’s true — it’s called prompt engineering, and it’s quickly becoming, for some experts anyway, a lucrative career.

According to Business Insider opens in new window, prompt engineers work to improve results and rigor from artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots. They essentially manipulate the language model a chatbot runs on to produce better responses.

They also sometimes train a company’s workforce on how to optimize their usage of a given AI tool.

As for the lucrative part, the north-of-$300,000 salary cited in some articles is admittedly rare and usually reserved for expert “AI whisperers” opens in new window with PhDs.

Still, I was curious about ChatGPT and gave it a try. In my anecdotal experience, the quality of the content directly correlates to the quality of the prompts. The more specific and well-defined your input is, the better output you will receive.

I can see ChatGPT and other generative AI being used frequently for foundational research, but human understanding and nuance are still required to connect the dots from basic knowledge to greater understanding. That won’t necessarily always be the case, making this new trend one to watch in terms of identifying ways you might be able to use or develop your skills.

2.    Metaverse marketing campaigns

Another tech trend that’s set to take off this year is marketing in the metaverse.

But first, a quick word about the metaverse itself. McKinsey & Company opens in new window defines the metaverse as “an evolution of today’s internet — it is something we are immersed in instead of something we look at.”

It is based on the physical world we inhabit, but it contains the promise, according to McKinsey & Company, of “vast digital worlds.”

If marketing interests you, or you’re already in the field, think of the metaverse as a parallel opportunity. As the management education company Emeritus opens in new window explains, re-creating what you’re doing in the real world and building metaverse campaigns based on real-world experiences are two ways to realize material success in the virtual space.  

Why is this trend taking shape? Well, companies look at the metaverse as a way to reach Gen Z and millennials opens in new window. TechTarget also points out that the metaverse allows companies to control their own digital world opens in new window. This means they get to craft the user experience rather than have third parties determine how they interact with potential customers. 

As this trend evolves, you’ll also want to watch for new job opportunities opens in new window. Emeritus cites a few career options: business strategists, community managers, ecosystem managers and even storytellers.

3.    Enhanced cybersecurity tactics

AI presents a double-edged sword in the cybersecurity realm: Security experts and hackers alike can use it.

What’s more, technological advancement comes with a certain amount of risk that must be addressed to protect data and information.

What will this look like?

For starters, companies will need to step up their game when it comes to threats. Take phishing attacks as an example. According to CSO opens in new window, hackers can use AI to customize emails so that recipients are more likely to engage with them.

Generative AI opens in new window is also making hackers’ jobs of parting people from their personal information that much easier. CSO notes opens in new window how hackers can leverage AI to develop realistic collateral — photos, social media profiles and the like — to make their communication seem more legitimate.

How can companies combat this? AI allows for better response times when a threat is detected, according to Engati opens in new window, a company specializing in customer experience chatbots. Companies can also beat hackers at their own game, since a lot of technology “learns” how to better respond to and prevent attacks.

4.    Workflow automation

If you had a way to make some of the simpler, more repetitive tasks at work take less time, would you? (Looking at you, expense reports!)

I imagine many of you would. Well, that’s workflow automation. HubSpot describes workflow automation opens in new window as “the process of using rule-based logic to launch a series of tasks that run on their own without any human intervention.”

If you’ve used the “SUM” function in Excel to add up a column of numbers, you’ve used a basic version of this.

A more complex example of automating workflows would be email marketing. When you sign up to receive a newsletter for a specific topic, you’ve likely participated in a marketer’s workflow. 

Often, an audience will be segmented based on their interests, which lets one company target multiple audiences with diverse but related content.

It doesn’t end there with email marketing. This technology trend opens in new window of automating workflows will reshape many industries across the board, and now is the time to learn how to capitalize on it.

5.    Internet of Things and datafication

If you’ve used a video doorbell, you’ve participated in the Internet of Things (IoT).

Basically, IoT is a fancy way of referring to a virtually connected network of things. It started with our phones and now includes our refrigerators. 

We also have wearable technology, like smartwatches and weight trackers, that monitors key data about our health. All that technology captures data about our lives. From the food we eat to our weight the next morning after eating it, everything we do can now be a piece of digitized information.

The concept is called datafication opens in new window. It essentially takes your daily life and boils it down to data points that can be leveraged in multiple ways.

Like workflow automation, IoT can make aspects of our lives better. There is a cost, however, for convenience outside of the monetary. That, of course, is our privacy.

As Tech Xplore opens in new window points out, we’re quickly becoming immune to devices tracking our every movement. So much so that, by age 13 our kids will have 72 million data points opens in new window about them.

Your next move

If any of these top trends for 2023 and beyond have piqued your curiosity, you’re not alone. I recommend seeing where it will take you.

Read articles and books about the trends that interest you. Take a course. Apply what you can to your current life or job. Experiment with your newfound knowledge.

Take that first step and execute where others simply gather information. In this way, you can put yourself in a position to use today’s technology for tomorrow’s good.

Business degrees at University of Phoenix

If you’re looking to expand your business knowledge so you’re ready for tomorrow’s trends, consider one of the online business programs opens in new window at University of Phoenix.

  • Associate of Arts with a concentration in Business Fundamentals opens in new window: From management to accounting, skills learned in this program are essential for anyone looking to advance in their business education. 
  • Bachelor of Science in Business opens in new window: Knowledge of the ins and outs of running a business can spell the difference between success and failure in a competitive business world. 
  • Master of Business Administration opens in new window: Prepare for higher leadership roles in an organization. This degree program can prepare graduates for careers as business managers, operations directors and more.
  • Master of Management opens in new window: Take your understanding of business organization and management to an advanced level. This degree program is perfect for those with experience in the workforce who are looking to take on greater leadership roles. 
  • Doctor of Business Administration opens in new window: Expand your understanding of organizations, work environments and industry. This program invites participants to delve into cutting-edge research in the field of business and develop skills for solving complex organizational problems.
Portrait of David Domzalski smiling


David Domzalski is an entrepreneur, copywriter and storyteller. He’s an effective communicator with a passion for helping people better their lives financially. His writing has been featured on multiple outlets including AOL, FanSided, Forbes, GOBankingRates, MSN, Nasdaq and Yahoo. He lives in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, with his wife and two children. Connect with him on his website opens in new window and check out his Copywriting Storyteller newsletter opens in new window.

Headshot of Kathryn Uhles


Currently Dean of the College of Business and Information Technology, Kathryn Uhles has served University of Phoenix in a variety of roles since 2006. Prior to joining University of Phoenix, Kathryn taught fifth grade to underprivileged youth in Phoenix.


This article has been vetted by University of Phoenix's editorial advisory committee. 
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